Digital Marketing

Why You Should Hire a Smaller Digital Marketing Agency

Hiring a marketing agency is a smart move for any business. Being the best at what you do doesn’t mean you’re going to be the best at everything – and when it comes to marketing your business, it’s sometimes easier to leave it to the professionals. But when you don’t know how to do something, how do you know who to trust with the job?

Choosing the right digital marketing agency for your needs can be challenging. What is one of the biggest factors to consider when narrowing down your options? Thinking to go with a big firm or a smaller digital marketing agency? Choosing a larger agency might feel like a more secure decision. After all, they’re huge companies, and surely size denotes success. However, there are many benefits to working with a smaller digital agency.

Here are a couple of reasons why bigger isn’t always better when it comes to hiring a marketing partner.

7 Benefits of Working with Smaller Digital Marketing Agencies

1. Flexibility: A small ship can turn faster than a large one. The same is true with marketing agencies. Smaller agencies are able to adapt more quickly to changes in your marketing needs. Fewer people mean less bureaucratic red tape and corporate hierarchy to trudge through. 

Smaller digital marketing agencies also have more flexibility regarding client budgets. In order to meet their overhead, large agencies often prefer working with large clients that have large budgets with high monthly spending. Just because you may not have the same dollars to spend as a Fortune 500 company doesn’t mean your business is less valuable though. Small agencies offer more flexibility when it comes to client budgets, which is especially beneficial if you are making your first foray into the world of full-service digital marketing agencies.

2. Better Value: You can also make your money go further at a small but top digital marketing agency! Fewer people on board mean fewer overhead costs, all of which equals a better value for you and your brand. Working with a small team doesn’t mean you have to skimp on expertise.

Small agencies often hire the best of the best – the crème de la crème, if you will – so you can rest assured that while you may be working with a smaller team, that team is composed of the best in the business. Quality over quantity!

3. More Innovation: The best ideas come from small teams! Cross-team collaboration tends to come more naturally at small agencies. With fewer people on staff, it’s easier for the ideas to flow “across the aisle” and for experts from different specialties to pool their collective knowledge and tag-team efforts on crafting successful holistic marketing campaigns. At larger agencies, it’s not uncommon for experts to get siloed in their own departments, making cross-team collaboration challenging. 

Small digital agencies also tend to be scrappy and less likely to rely on the cookie-cutter methods that large agencies favor in their quest to efficiently serve a multitude of clients. With a small agency, you’re always guaranteed a unique plan tailored to the needs of your business. 

4. Increased Communication: Fewer people around the table means more opportunities for your voice to be heard. It also means fewer people in the communication chain – and less opportunity for details to fall between the cracks. With a small social media marketing company that serves a full set of digital marketing services, you’ll always know who to call when you have a question – and you’re guaranteed a quick response time.

5. Faster Turnaround: Small agencies aren’t just speedier at communicating, too. Because they usually have fewer clients to focus on at once, turnaround times for projects are often much quicker. (The lack of bureaucratic red tape certainly helps here, too!)

6. More Attention to Detail: Large agencies tend to have an impressive roster of clients – but with so many accounts to focus on, sometimes all their clients receive is the bare minimum. Fewer clients mean small agencies have more time to focus on you and get the details right, whether it’s nailing the right tone for your website copy or really honing in on the right audiences to target for your brand.

7. Better Relationships: Client relationships are the lifeblood of small companies. Because they have fewer clients overall, your business will likely constitute a larger share of a small agency’s overall revenue, increasing your value to them as a business partner. And with less margin for error, your success is crucial to their success, making small agencies more likely to work hard for you. 

In short, your business means more to the small guys than it does to the big ones, and they’ll show that value to you in how hard they work.

The Woes of Large Agencies

We get it. The bigger company often feels like the more secure choice. After all, in order to employ all those people, they must be doing something right – right? But there’s a fine line between best practices and what’s best for your business, and the big agencies don’t always fall on the right side of that line.

  • Maybe your budget isn’t big enough to tempt them. Or even worse, maybe it’s just big enough for them to take you on – but only ever give you the bare minimum of service.
  • Maybe you get the runaround every time you ask a question. It’s impossible to track down your account manager, and your emails go unanswered for days – and when you do get a response…it’s not really what you were looking for.
  • Maybe you feel like you’re getting a cookie-cutter plan that doesn’t reflect your brand’s needs. Your voice isn’t really being heard.

At a large agency, you’re often a number before you are a name. But it doesn’t have to be that way! You do have a good digital marketing agency alternative: go small.

Go Big with a Small Agency! Let N2Q Work Hard for Your Business


Go Small (Hire a small digital marketing agency), Then Grow Big

Finding a good digital marketing strategy partner is like landing a good relationship – you feel seen and heard, the communication is clear, and they always have time for you. When you choose a smaller digital marketing agency, that’s what you’re signing up for.

If you’re looking to go small to grow big, contact N2Q today! We may be small, but we offer a wealth of services to our clients including search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC), social media marketing, web design, and branding services. We’ve experienced the woes of large agencies firsthand. We set out to break the status quo when it comes to agency methods and the client mindset.

Contact us today to set up your free strategy session – no strings attached!

No To The Quo

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